Alzheimer's Affliction
In the last month or two, it has come to light that my 77 y.o. Dad has been afflicted with Alzheimer's - estimated for about 4 years, according to my siblings. That has prompted my siblings to begin taking action to manage his affairs...since I'm so far away. They are all in Iowa.
Everything is an issue. His driving, his bill-paying, predators bilking money from him, bills not getting paid, disposition of his empty house, and everything that goes with Alz. While not being able to directly assist with these matters, I can offer guidance through my experience with my ex's grandmother. Been there, done that. As I've told them several times, unless one has "been there" with someone, they have little real comprehension of what they are in for. So far, they seem to be handling his affairs quite well - as far as getting his affairs in order, PsOA legally assigned and everything. I'll continue to offer what advice/foresight that I can in order to make their transition a smooth one.
Voting time always stirs strong emotions in me. I'm going to vote early this evening. I've done my homework over the last couple months, looking at the candidates, what they are "for" and "against", and picking out the ones that most closely align with my beliefs on the most important matters. None of them match mine completely, but some do with the most important things. The most important of them right now is national security - the war against those who would exterminate anyone who is not a radical Muslim, our sovereignty as it relates to our borders. I will not vote for anybody who I do not believe is willing to pursue these things aggressively. (This is not for me, but for those who will come after me.) As you might guess, the Democrat (sic) party has clearly stated that they want us out - before the job is done. (No, I
will not refer to them as "Democrat
ic" anything.)
John Kerry pisses me off, as do those who make excuses for him. He continues to tell of his distaste for our soldiers, sailors, and airmen. His comment was not a "botched" anything. He spoke his heart, as he has the right to do. He has a history of sticking knives in our fighting men's backs, and this is only a continuation of it. Like it or not, 90+% of our servicemen believe in their mission. The least we can do is respect and honor them and their beliefs. They are fighting in Iraq for us, and they are doing it for common Iraqis who want a peaceful life that is free from the likes of Saddam. Let's not "support" them by whining for them to abandon the mission they believe in. Let's not "support" them by demonstrating against the mission they believe in. Let's not "support" them by attacking them physically when they come home. Let's not "support" them by saying we support them, but not the mission they believe in. They don't believe in that kind of support. Let's support them and the mission they believe in by telling them,
"GIT 'ER DONE!!!" They (Democrat politicians) can say what they like about how "horrible" our country's economy is right now, but the facts do not favor their deceptive/lying crap. Unemployment is down to 4.4%, the stock market is at all-time highs, our GNP is up, our deficit is down, all indicators are up. These are the same indicators they use for "their guys", and the same indicators they use against "our guys" when the numbers "go south". Isn't it simply amazing? Think about it. From our economy being totally trashed in September of 2001, to all-time highs today - only 5 years has passed! Incredible! I won't be swayed by their silly games.
Vote for who you want, but please cast an informed vote. In these crazy times, vote for the important things, the things that can and will determine our future as the United States Of America. Don't believe everything you hear. Don't believe what you want to hear. Do some research and find out by yourself. Research both sides, not just the one you want to believe. Don't concentrate on the petty things that are "for me". I have put aside the things that might benefit me, personally. There are bigger fish to fry. This is one time we have to vote for the good of the Country, for our Country's future. Without our Country's future, we have none as individuals. Let's secure it first, then we can worry about "I" and "me". I have set my selfishness aside, and I challenge you to do the same.
I know who I want to watch my back. Who would you want watching yours?
Semper Paratus!