As I was going about my daily duties, I saw a young fledgling mourning dove hunkering down by a concrete wall. I thought it might be injured, so I approached it to see if I could help in any way. As I neared, he flew about 20 or 30 feet down the wall. I let it be. During my break, I got my camera and took this shot:

Not long after I got home this evening (about rush hour), we heard sirens - lots of 'em. I took my camera and went over to the freeway. Yep, there was a wreck. Here is what I saw:

I don't know what his condition is, but it appeared he was wearing a helmet. This was a single-vehicle accident. I hope he's not too bad off.
The little dove is so precious. Good catch!
The dove and firemen are my two favorites of those shots.
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