Do you?

I remember watching the TV and seeing the second plane hit the tower.
I remember thinking at that point, "That was not accident. We are under attack."
I remember "that feeling" in the pit of my stomach.
I remember the towers falling - from the safety of my couch.
I remember thinking "Put me in, coach!"
I remember the skies falling silent.
I remember our Canadian friends coming to our rescue by taking in our people.
I remember wondering when it would end.
I remember thanking God for brave Americans like those on Flight 93, who prevented far more loss of life.
I remember how Americans from all walks of life, all beliefs, and all political persuasions were as one.
I remember September 11, 2001.
I long for the attitudes of September 12, 2001.
Do you remember?
Do you really?
Let us never forget - anything.
Semper Paratus.
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