Shots such as these were nearly non-existent in the Amarillo area last year, a drought being the cause.

Here are some I got with my 35mm camera.
This isn't the only stormy weather we've seen lately. One of my best friends has been having health problems - and he took a nose dive on Groundhog Day. We almost lost him due to his health that morning. Today, he has defied the odds and is still with us. Unfortunately, he is not able to stay at home, and nobody can afford to hire a caregiver to be with him. The only option is a 24-hour care facility - a nursing home. He has been uncooperative and verbally combative, having hopes and dreams of returning home. His safety and well-being cannot be sacrificed to allow that to happen. I know it's a very hard pill for him to swallow, but this is the way it has to be - for his own good. If he improves to the point of being able to care for himself in all ways, without fear of falling or other lack of self-care, he'd be welcomed home in a second. If he doesn't change his mind again, he will go there tomorrow.
A few weeks ago, my Dad and older-of-my-two sisters came down for a visit for a few days. It was a bittersweet time. The situation with the friend I mentioned above created a difficult scenario. Knowing they were here, I felt the responsibility and desire/need to spend time with them, and at the same time to "be there" for my friends - the friends I've live with as family for nearly 3 years. It was difficult at times, but I guess it worked out. It was really nice seeing them for the first time in years, but it could have been at a much better time.
I'm still kinda put off by my baby sister, the one who arranged the trip for my other sister, and refused to put it off because of my situation at the time. It seems she has to have everything her way, period. She gets put off when the shoe is on the other foot.
I trust you all got your clocks set ahead one hour. If not, you'll be an hour late for everything today.
I hope you all have been doing well, and continue doing so.
May God Bless!
Great shots. Nice to see you post again.
Thank you, Shell. I just haven't felt like messing with it for a while. I'll try to do better. :)
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