Would you hate-monger traitors turn away the Coast Guard when they come to rescue your slimy asses from the dangerous waters off your shores? Would you protesters turn away the National Guard when they come to rescue your slimy asses from a mud slide, avalanche, or flood? Don't bitch if they "can't find you" during their search. But you know that would never happen, don't you? They aren't terroristic morons like you. Unlike you, they value life.
If this doesn't make your blood boil, you are not a troop supporter in any way! These people are no better than the terrorists we're fighting across the Atlantic. They wish their own people dead, too. As far as I'm concerned, these American-hating, death-wishing traitors can go to Gitmo, or straight to Hell! It matters not to me.
May your cowardly faces be put on the internet for all to see.
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