Saturday, April 12, 2008

Honesty Is Alive And Well

Yep, my supposition has always been that most people are honest. That belief was reaffirmed today. We had an old swivel/rocker/recliner with a "floating" footstool (it rocked like the rocker) we were trying to get rid of, so we put it out on the curb with a sign on it - "$25.00" it read. We had to step out for a few minutes, and while we were gone, someone got it. We laughed and weren't concerned that it was probably stolen. It wasn't a bid deal. We just wanted it gone. As we got up to the door, there was an envelope on it, with something written on it. "This is for the chair." and signed by "Anthony" with a phone number. Inside the envelope was $25.00 - cash! Now, I ask you, what could be more cool than that? I called the number he left, and left a message thanking him for his honesty. That was really cool! All I could think about was the honesty this young [sounding] man exhibited. Awesome!

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