Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wearisome Convention

Tonight the "Obama show" is on. After seeing parts of the Democrat convention on TV in recent days, I'm not looking forward to much difference in coming days. I am growing weary of hearing about it, as I did the OJ fiasco. It may be different if there was some substance and truth to hear. Unfortunately, there isn't. I wonder if there will be any in the next convention "party". I don't have much optimism about it.

I grow weary of the word "change". Nobody likes change. It's human nature. I think we (as Americans - if I may be so bold as to speak for the general public) would like some change, though. Unfortunately, it's not the change the Obama campaign is drooling over. We'd like change on the border - to take control of it. Neither candidate wants to do that. We would like some change on oil dependency - to become more self-reliant and not be held hostage by countries that have no fondness for us. Neither candidate wants that either. We would like some change in our industry - to bring more of it and those jobs back home to the US. They don't want that either.

Change comes in two flavors - good and bad. The bad part is that the change they speak of is only a change from a Republican to a Democrat president, as well as changing the Congress into a steamroller of Democrats that cannot be slowed or stopped by Republicans. Checks and Balances down the drain. It would not be good for either party to have an unstoppable presence in our government.

The party of "unification" is doing nothing to unite our Country. Bill Clinton's speech last night came off as inciting a riot, constantly blasting the opposition to the Democrat Party. His demeanor and tactics were scary. How can any "coming together" possibly happen while one side is being constantly attacked with so much venom? The only conclusion I can come to is that "unity" to them means submitting to the liberal/Democrat way. They want to unite all of us - into the Democrat Party. What else can I derive from it?

There was a comment made during the Democrat convention last night that they are the working man's friend, a pro-union party. Unfortunately, that claim is not supported well by the bill that has passed the House that will strip the "secret" part of the secret ballot in union elections. Pelosi manages to prevent many bills from being considered. Why not this one? Imagine the consequences of a non-secret ballot in any election. It's not a pretty picture. And yet, unions fully support these people. Why? Do they like shooting their own foot off? Or have unions become too political, forsaking their membership? Get ready, labor union members. You are in deep doo-doo. It's coming.

The "Yes We Can!" people say that a lot, unless it comes to clean energy and energy independence. Then it's "No, we can't!" Build nuclear power plants? No we can't. Drill for oil domestically? No we can't. Use wind power? No we can't. (Now they say that wind generators kill bats by blowing their lungs up.) Just what can we do, o' "Yes We Can" people? You don't really want us to use any energy, do you?

Too many things don't look right with this election. Neither candidate wants to do the right thing and protect our Country - their primary function. I am very disappointed in both of our political parties. In case you were wondering, I deliberately use the term "Democrat" when speaking of the Party. I will not put the "ic" on the end. I see no evidence of democratic principles in their intentions or beliefs. (I am seeing less and less of it in the Republican Party as well.) In my opinion, the party is only Democrat, and not democratic. I'm not speaking of individuals that are registered Democrats or Republicans, but the "parties" and their leadership.

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