Sarah Palin is a Democrat's dream. She should be anyhow. She is everything that Democrats claim they embrace, and everything Republicans are supposed to disdain.
She is a woman.
She is a successful woman.
Her husband is a Union worker.
She is a strong woman - politically and domestically.
She is an everyday person, much like you and me - more than any other politician we've seen in years. (Isn't that what Democrats want? Someone who can identify with the "little guy"?)
She is pro-choice. She made her choice to have an "imperfect" baby, but it was her choice.
Her daughter is a teen, unmarried, and pregnant.
She is the typical "soccer mom". (Since hockey is more appropriate in Alaska than soccer, she calls herself a "hockey mom".
For some reason, Liberals are bashing her and trivializing her accomplishments. What is there they don't like? Normally, they would be singing her praises. And why do Republicans like her so much, contrary to the reputation given them by the Liberal sect?
There can only be one reason. There is an "R" behind her name. Pathetic, isn't it? Can you imagine the praise she would be getting from the Democrat Party if she only had a "D" behind her name? Instead, they try to stomp her into the ground. They don't care about women. They don't care about anybody - unless they are Democrats/Liberals. Nobody else matters.
Well, I guess there could be one other reason. She seems to really love and respect her husband, and doesn't have him on a leash, treating him as a domineering, man-hating feminist would.
Personally, this mean spirited anti-["everything-but-white-man"] Republican is tickled that she is in the race. I'm glad McCain chose her. However, I would prefer that she be heading the ticket and McCain was her VP, but I guess that's not to be this time. I look forward to 2012 if McCain and Palin are successful in this election. Imagine that! A Conservative Republican wanting a woman
For now, I'll settle for VP. Good Luck, Governor Palin! You have my full support. You have given me a reason to vote without holding my nose.
The media and Democrat Party are scared. I love it!

Its all about a 4 letter word. FEAR
I didn't get the flower girl job. Shel is going to make me beat up a little girl to get it. What is with that? She tells you about me. I am like the best hussie around. ~lol~
I'm so very happy for the both of you. Go slowly and make it fun, and not something that drives you both crazy planning. Hope to see some beautiful pictures in Dec.
Hugs, Loretta
Thanks, Loretta. :) We are making it fun. Lots of hand (and handi-) work going into it, and lots of TLC - for each other.
Life is good! :D
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