After work today, I had to get my truck worked on - warranty stuff. The tailgate cables were originally made with galvanized steel, and were prone to deteriation and rusting. The notice said they'd replace them with stainless steel ones. The manufacturer paid for it. Anyhow, today I got a reminder of why I do all the service on my vehicles that I can - and never take it to the shop if I don't have to. I have a big mistrust of auto shops, be they independent or dealership. Today's experience just supported that mistrust.
I had the multi-page notice that the mfr. send me sitting on the passenger seat when I turned it over to them. When the truck came back, it was gone. I asked the head dude where it was, and he went back into the shop area to get it for me. (I keep all such paperwork for my records.) He explained that it "must have fell out". I didn't buy it, but said nothing. There were fingerprints and greasy smudges on all the pages, as if someone nosed through it. As far as I'm concerned, they had no business even opening the passenger door so my papers could "fall out". They were to work on the tailgate, for Pete's sake!
As I was leaving, I noticed that my employer's parking placard was disfigured - it was very obviously bent. It has never had a bend in it - ever. They messed with it, too. Again, there is no excuse for it!
Add to all this, this is the first dealership/shop I've ever been to, that I've never been able to
see the work area. There were no windows, no observation area for the customers at all, just an isolated lounge - albeit a nice, comfortable one. Anyhow, not being able to see the work area adds to my mistrust. Questions go through my mind. What are they really doing? Why is it taking over an hour to change two tailgate cables? (It should take no more than 1/2 hour - tops!) Are they doing something to it in an attempt to get me to come back for more service? Even
Wal-Mart and
Jiffy Lube let you watch them work on your vehicles!
Maybe I'm paranoid, but some things didn't seem right at all. If it wasn't warranty work, I would have gotten the cables and done it myself. One thing's for sure: I won't go to that dealership again for anything.