Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Timber!!!, Addendum

I hadn't really been hurting at all from my bout with the tree limb, just a little soreness one could expect. Night before last, I must have laid on my right side (the "wrong" side), 'cause I got to hurting a bit more. I took off work today to get it checked, just to be on the safe side. Turns out I cracked the 9th rib on the right side. Got some meds to help the healing, but I guess it will take time. This is my first cracked/broken rib...and it only took me 53 years to do it!


Jeanne said...

Keep well my friend.
Love to you and yours!

Dale said...

Feeling much better now, Jeanne. Thank you!

Bud said...

I can sympathize with you and the cracked ribs. I've had them twice. It's no picnic.

Take care and heal up quickly.