Sunday, August 10, 2008


Last night there were some scattered storms floating by our city, so I took Shelley's brother with me to try some lightning shots. It wasn't a particularly active night and it was flashing around 3 points of the compass rose - occasionally. (Hey - it's been so long since we had lightning to shoot, we were both in withdrawal.) It was our job to guess at which point it was going to flash during any given time slot. We did manage to get a few shots, although not a high percentage of them were bolts. Here are a couple I got:

And in slack times, we shot the city lights. Here are a couple of pano crops of mine:

Click on any of these images for a full-size view.

Here is a video I found on Steve's blog that's nothing short of amazing!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Mother nature's fireworks are awesome. You captured it well, my sweet.