I am 52 today. Many consider aging a curse of sorts, see it as something negative. I consider it a blessing, a blessing to have been given such a long life - a blessing that younger people have not received. To be given 52 years to live with the beauty that God has created is a blessing. To be given all this time to see the simple wonders of this world is a blessing.

My Grandmother Lewis went Home the day before her 99th birthday - in 2002. She led a simple life, with emphasis on the most valuable things. She was never rich, yet she was richer than the richest man that ever walked the Earth. As she neared her journey Home, she spent her last years/months/days in a nursing home. She was always grateful to have a place to call home, no matter that it was one of "those places". Her attitude was always positive - never complaining, always thankful. When she passed away, she just kinda slowly slipped away. She never feared what lied ahead. She was ready. I remember when she told me that she didn't want to live to be 100, and she said it without reservation, just matter-of-factly. That told me she was ready to go Home whenever she was called. She had no regrets. She led a full life. This is the most recent picture I have of her.
I want to be like my Grandmother. I want to live a full, rich life. No regrets. No reservations. I have never feared aging, nor do I fear it now. I have no regrets of the past, nor do I have reservations about the future. As my Grandmother showed us, every day and every year we are given is a blessing. I have been blessed well.
Today, 52 years will be celebrated in my heart and mind. :)
52 glorious wishes for wonderful you!
Happy birthday!
Thank you, Jeanne! You are a sweetheart!
Happy Birthday Dale. I like your positive outlook on life. Its nice reading about your thoughts.
Glad you like it. :) I've found out that even when positives are few in the world, I can still find them inside myself.
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