I had a "free" paycheck this time around, so I splurged a little bit. Well, I had to replace my main camera lens. That was a bit of a necessity. :) I splurged by buying a GPS unit I've toyed

with getting over the months. It's the Magellan eXplorist 200. I figure I can do some geocaching if nothing else. If the weather ever gets nasty around here again, and I'm out storm spotting, it can be real useful for reporting my (and severe weather's) location. When we're traveling around new roads in desolate areas, it can be real useful in getting us back to civilization. I can find some excuses to use it. You know how boys and their toys are. ;) I'll just have to be sure to let my navigator operate it while I'm driving. It could be a bit distracting. :)

My new lens has been shipped and should be here Friday. It'll be nice to get some good wide-angle shots of our beautiful skies again. The telephoto I've been using doesn't do the scenery justice. The "big picture" needs to be seen.
Men and their toys. Really..being a photography nut myself..I"m sure the lens is a wonderful anticipation. And the GPS can be way fun. Have a great Sunday!
I'm just glad my toys of choice don't cost thousands! LOL!
You have a great day, too!
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